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Oath taking : 1986

Former Secretary of the Conference (1987)
Lawyer registered on the list of counsels to the International Criminal Court

Areas of expertise International criminal law - Criminal Law – Foreign Nationals Law
Working languages:  English

Jean-Marie BIJU-DUVAL mainly works in criminal law and foreign nationals law.

More than thirty years’ experience practising international criminal law at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (media trial) and the International Criminal Court (Lubanga trial) make Jean-Marie BIJU-DUVAL a renowned specialist in this field. He is regularly invited to take part in lectures and conferences.

He also works in foreign nationals law, particularly before the national asylum court.


  • ‘La procédure pénale devant la cour pénale internationale’ (‘criminal procedure at the international criminal court’) in the 2nd edition of ‘Commentaire du statut de Rome’ (‘Commentary on the Statute of Rome’); éditions Pedone, 2019

  • Article ‘débats’ (‘debates’) in ‘dictionnaire encyclopédique de la justice pénale internationale’ (Encyclopaedia of International Criminal Justice’; éditions Berger Levraut

  • ‘La lutte contre l’impunité à l’épreuve du procès équitable’ (Combating impunity versus a fair trial’), in ‘Justice pénale internationale : bilan et perspectives’ (‘International criminal justice, evaluation and perspectives’); AJ  pénal, éditions DALLOZ;  May 2013. 

  • ‘Juger les crimes des puissants : entre common law et civil law, l’expérience de la justice pénale internationale’ (‘Judging the crimes of the powerful: between common law and civil law, the experience of international criminal justice’), in ‘Juriste international’,  union internationale des avocats; 2010.

  • ‘La Défense devant la Cour pénale internationale’ (‘Defence before the International Criminal Court’, in AJ  pénal, éditions DALLOZ ;  June 2007.

  • ‘Hate media, crimes against humanity and genocide: opportunities missed by the international tribunal for Rwanda’, in ‘The media and the Rwanda genocide’, Carleton University; edited by Allan Thompson; 2006.

  • ‘Les références aux droits nationaux en matière procédurale’ (‘References to national law in procedural matters’) in ‘les sources du droit international pénal’ (‘the sources of international criminal law’), unité mixte de recherche de droit comparé de Paris; société de législation comparée (Paris joint comparative law research unit; comparative legislation company); 2004.

  • ‘Le procès des médias devant le Tribunal pénal international pour le Rwanda’ (‘The media trial before the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda’; in  ‘la justice pénale internationale dans les décisions des tribunaux ad hoc’ (‘international criminal justice in the decisions of ad hoc tribunals’), études des law clinics en droit pénal international (law clinic studies in international criminal law); éditions  DALLOZ, 2003.


  • Ecole Nationale de la Magistrature (National Magistrates School), Paris  (continuous training for magistrates): ‘la Défense pénale’ (‘Criminal defence’), in  ‘la justice pénale internationale’ (‘international criminal justice’) (seminars 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013);  ‘la concurrence des systèmes devant les juridictions pénales internationales’ (‘competing systems before international criminal courts’), in  ‘Common law’,  April 2012 and March 2013;  ‘l’administration de la preuve dans les systèmes accusatoires’ (‘the administration of evidence in prosecution systems’), in ‘la preuve pénale : évolutions, controverses et perspectives’ (‘criminal evidence: changes, controversies and perspectives’),  September 2013.

  • ‘20 ans de justice pénale internationale : devoir d’inventaire’ (‘20 years of international criminal justice: the duty of review’);  Barreau de Paris, 16 May 2013. 

  • ‘Les dix premières années de la Cour pénale internationale’ (The first ten years of the International Criminal Court’); Coalition française pour la Cour pénale internationale -  École normale supérieure (French Coalition for the International Criminal Court – Higher Standard School), Paris; 13 December 2012. 

  • ‘La protection accordée aux avocats au cours des enquêtes’ (‘The protection granted to lawyers during enquiries’), in ‘l’immunité de l’avocat devant les juridictions nationales et internationales’ (‘the immunity of lawyers before national and international courts’) ; Barreau de Paris – Barreau pénal international;  June 2011. 

  • ‘La propagande comme crime international dans le procès Nahimana : définition et difficultés d’application’ (‘Propaganda as an international crime in the Nahimana trial: definition and difficulties with application’); University of Trento, international criminal law seminar; 25 November 2008.

  • ‘The court support for defence investigations’; The Hague, Peace Palace; 15 June 2007.

  • ‘L’incrimination des discours’, (‘The incrimination of discourse’) in ‘terrorisme et crimes contre l’humanité’ (‘terrorism and crimes against humanity’), symposium, San Pietro in Casale, 21 April 2007. 

  • ‘Des tribunaux pénaux internationaux à la Cour pénale internationale, évolutions, ruptures et interrogations’ (‘From international criminal tribunals to the International Criminal Court, changes, failures and questions’), in  ‘Exercer devant la Cour pénale internationale’ (‘practising law at the International Criminal Court’); Barreau de Paris;  October 2006.

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